Monday, December 14, 2009

College Success

It is December 14, 2009. The holidays are upon us! My thoughts are on a time over four years ago, also in winter. It was when I decided to go back to school and earn a college degree.

After careful research of many on-line Computer Science programs I selected Baker College as my school. It is  now a few years years later and, as of today, I have completed the last of my required hours to earn a B.S. in Computer Science.

I wanted to write this blog post to personally thank everyone who has helped get me to this point. Looking back, the academic workload combined with a full time job has probably cost me a lot of social “free” time and even a relationship or two. Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me, hit me over the head to make me do my homework, or otherwise encouraged me to finish my degree.  There are a few people I would like to personally thank as well..

Erica – You may be my ex-wife, but thank you for always encouraging me to finish what I start (even if our marriage wasn't one of those things).

Carrie – Thanks for the encouragement, even though our relationship didn't quite make it.

Samuel T. - You're a great friend and a source of infinite wisdom. I appreciate you listening to my rants over the past few years.

Jeremy B. – Thanks for the intellectual conversation and for being a friend.

Jeremy S. – I have to give props to the best damn programmer I know. Thanks dude!

Doug P. – We don't talk much anymore, but thanks for encouraging me to go back to school.

Brandi S. (bs) – Thanks for the encouragement and not laughing at me too much when I had issues with my Philosophy of Ethics course. :)

Anthony H. - Thanks for the never-ending encouragement, sir. It means a lot.

Lee F. - Thanks for helping keep me on track when the combination of work and school became too much to handle.

Steve & Marie – By far the oldest (in duration, not age!) friends I have. Thank you both for helping get through some tough times and for always being there. Merci beaucoup!

Richie W. -- Thanks for the non-stop flailing. I'm sure it helped...something.

Emilie - Thanks. :)

Also, to my family: I have missed out on countless family functions and important events for the sake of academic success.  The past four years have been unbelievably challenging. Thank you for being there.

I'm sure there are many names I should add to this list. There are just too many to list. You all know who you are! So, thank you.


1 comment:

  1. Hey! Who you callin' old? Hold still while I whack you with my cane!

    Congrats on the greatest of accomplishments!
